Since this packaged approach became unsustainable and I opted to abandon it in favour of a more eclectic approach to gameplay modding (see below), I use JFDLC now to refer to that specific package. in-game) that mod was known as Rise to Power. When I sought to package these three mods into one, I adapted the informal name JFDLC to refer to this packaged mod, but formally (i.e. JFDLC was an informal term used to refer to the whole collection of my three chief gameplay mods: Rise to Power (RtP), Cities in Development (CiD), and Exploration Continued (ExCE). The original, stand-alone versions of those mods, therefore, were long ago considered obsolete. Due to frequent compatibility issues between them, I opted to package them all together into one mod what became JFDLC. Rise to Power, Cities in Development, and Exploration Continued were my three chief gameplay mods, each consisting of a single mod subdivided into different 'components' (like Piety, Sovereignty, etc.). My modding practices have changed over the years and the availability of certain mods is in an ambiguous state, so in an attempt to clarify some things I have created a quick f.a.q.

I also maintain the most up-to-date version of Gedemon's Yet (not) Another Earth Map Pack. My modding for Civ V includes new Civilizations, Rise to Power, Cultural Diversity, and a number of extended scenarios.